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[BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 20, Mini Test Part 6]

by 인사 잘하는 라이언 2020. 12. 23.

[BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 20, Mini Test Part 6]


1. Do you prefer to express an opinion face to face or by writing an e mail? Which opnion do you agree with and why? (15 seconds to prepare, Then you will have 60 seconds to speak)


A : That's good question, It depends on the situation. But most of cases, I prefer to express an opinion face to face than by writing an e-mail, letters or telephone calls.


The main reason is that people communicate more efffectively, That means We can access more information and richer understanding through other body language, voice and their face. Also, We can modify the way they make coversation when they see each other immediately.


And We know how they're feeling about what i am talking about. This is ture communication.

Also these days, When we talk each other, Keep wearing our mask on until COVID-19 virus is over.




2. “Is it better for companies to provide meals for their employees?” Do you agree or disagree?


A : I think that it is beneficial for companies to provide meals for their employees. not only lunch or dinner but also breakfast.


One reason is that employees can save time and money by eating at the office. If the company provides meals, employees don’t have to go outside to find a restaurant, and they don’t have to pay money when they get there!

That makes effectiveness to focus on our work entirely without other thoughts.

* other toughts = 잡생각 (유사. distracting thoughts)


Another reason is that eating together can help employees build great relationships. When employees eat together, they can feel like a family(really?). Then, when they go back to work, they can work well together with a comfortable feeling. 


For these reasons, I think that providing employees with meals is a good idea.


3. Other common expression

1) we are close to each other : 우리 친해

2) Get to know someone : ~을 알아가다

3) Bond with someone : ~와 친해지다

4) Bonding time : 친해지는(끈끈해지는) 시간

5) I wanna be close to you. 영어식으로 친해지다! 라는 표현은 부담될 수 있어 간접적인 표현 기억!

   → We should grab a bite to eat sometime(언제 밥이나 먹으러 가자)

       Can I add you on Facebook? / Let's do something this weekend / Let's go get a drink!

6) self-employed a small business owner(자영업자) / office worker(회사원, 어색하지만) 직무로 적어 HR manager




회화는 너무 어렵다.

전화영어 2년째 하는데 표현이 거의 늘지 않는다. 노력이 부족하다는 것이겠지.

1월 10일 OPIC 시험 겸 해서 Cake app 중심으로 회화 공부는 꾸준히 할 생각이다!

내가 재미있고 취미로 반복해서 할 수 있도록! 공부로 느끼지 않도록!


화이팅 ! 최소 IM3, IH는 얻고 가도록 합시다!

