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[BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 22, Part 3. Q.4~6. feat. Ryan]

by 인사 잘하는 라이언 2021. 1. 6.

[BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 22, Part 3. Q.4~6. feat. Ryan]



Imagine that an American Institute of Psychology is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about bad moods.


Q4. When do you usaually feel blue? (*feel blue = 우울한, 울적한)

A. I usaually feel blue when nothing goes my way and my plans don't work out. For examples, keep practicing speaking english each days, but nothing get better. That makes me feel blue.


Q5. Why and how do you usually feel in a bad mood?

A. Most of time, after I'm so exhausted from my work, I get in a bad mood. Because of feeling tired. Also, I didn't get enough sleep night over 6 hours. That makes me aggressive, for example, I sometimes speak selfishly to someone close to me.


Q6. What do you do to overcome your bad moods?

A. As I mentioned earlier, feeling tired is the main reason that why I feel blue. So, In oreder to overcome bad moods, I always have enough time to rest in my room and other place like gym and my friend house. Eating tasty food with alchol drink also makes me feel better. After taking a enough rest and eating tasty food, My battery is fully charged.


Other expressions

1. Are you talking to me? = 나한테 한 말이야? (무례한 말을 할 때)

2. Must you? = 꼭 그래야돼? (굳이?)

3. Okay, Look. There's obviously some kind of misunderstanding here. = 이봐요, 분명히 무슨 오해가 있는 것 같은데요.

4. Don't get me wrong = 오해하지 마세요!

5. I'm not like that all the time = 제가 매번 그러는 건 아니에요.

6. I'm well-intentioned = 저는 호의적인 사람이에요.

7. We are in the same boat = 도찐 개찐이다. 우리 상황 똑같다.

8. What brings you here? = 무슨 일로 오셨어요?

9. That's the way to go = 그렇게 하는거야! 잘했어! (to는 거의 묵음 댓츠더웨이르고) = You made it!

10. It demand so much time and money. = 그건 시간과 돈이 많이 필요해.

