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Restart - English conversation study(3) Restart - English conversation study(3) 요약 The woman was late for their dinner date, and the man asked her why she was late. She told him that she had sent him a message, but he hadn't seen it, so he didn't know she would be late. Despite the delay, they are going to have a delicious dinner together. Key Expressions I take it back = 방금 한 말 취소합니다. = I didn’t mean what I said. = Never mind what I .. 2024. 4. 17.
Restart - English conversation study(2) Restart - English conversation study(2) I’m elated to talk to you today. * elated = 마냥 행복해하는, 신이 난 질문 1. What have you been up to lately? 2. Did you do anything interesting recently? 답변 1. Not much, just keeping up with my usual routine. How about you? * Keep up with = 유행을 따르다. ~에 밝다. ~에 뒤지지 않다. 2. It's been pretty good, actually. Got a lot on my plate, but I'm managing. How's yours? * Got a lot.. 2024. 4. 9.
Restart - English conversation study(1) They are going to hike on this Saturday. Maybe the weather is to be beautiful fall day. And during this conversation, she decided to pack a lunch. Sound like a good day for watching baseball game outside. I’ll prepare lunch for us. / I’m making our lunch for the day I’ve got no plans to do / My schedule is wide open. Do you like to hike? why or why not? - I do enjoy hiking. There’s something inc.. 2024. 4. 5.
"2024년 근로감독 핵심 변화: HR Compliance 담당자 필수 대응 체크리스트" "2024년 근로감독 핵심 변화: HR Compliance 담당자 필수 대응 체크리스트" 2024년도 근로감독 실시 개요 : '24년 근로감독은 공정과 상식의 직장문화 정착으로' 1. 2024년 달라지는점 핵심 Key word : 엄정한 법 집행 결과 확산, 일하는 문화 개선, 소규모 기업 약자 보호, 국민 참여 확대 1) ‘재감독’ 신설 (정기, 수시, 특별감독 외) • 근로감독 이후에도 상습적으로 법 위반이 발생한 사업장을 대상으로 정기/수시/특별 근로감독에 더하여 「재감독」 신설 2) 고의·상습 체불에 대한 특별 근로감독 실시 및 사법처리 강화 (무관용 대응) • 고액·다수 체불 사업장(피해 근로자 50명 이상 · 피해 금액 10억 이상 이거나, 체불로 사회적 물의를 일으킨 기업) 특별 근로감독 실.. 2024. 3. 26.