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2021.06.01 짧은 영어 공부(10분) from BCM 유폰 Scripts A : Hey Sam, What's up? B : Hi, Keely. Nothing much. How about lunch today? A : It would have to be a late lunch. Would 1:30 PM be okay? B : I could make it then(그때 괜찮아) A : Great! I have to meet Paul until 1:15 PM. B : Really! I haven't seen Paul in ages(오래동안), Say hi to him for me. A : I will. It's too bad He's not free for lunch. B : Yeah, I'll see you at 1:30 PM Pattern Drills It's t.. 2021. 6. 2.
[BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 외국인 친구만들기 과정 Unit1. feat. Ryan] [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 외국인 친구만들기 과정 Unit1. feat. Ryan] Main dialogue : It really hits the spot W : I didn't know you knew how to make a pasta salad. M : I wanted to try something new. W : Well, it looks really good M : But what does it taste like? W : Just like cold pasta. M : I know that, but do you like it? W : It really hits the spot on a hot day like today * It really hits the spot : 정말 딱이야!, 원하던 .. 2021. 4. 7.
[BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit37 Mini Test Part 3. feat. Ryan] [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit37 Mini Test Part 3. feat. Ryan] In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to questions 4 and 5 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6. Imagine a friend is traveling overseas for the first time. You are having a t.. 2021. 3. 17.
[BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit36 Mini Test Part 1~2. feat. Ryan] [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit36 Mini Test Part 1~2. feat. Ryan] In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. Q1. DEAR Gina, I’m so sorry to tell you about my problems. You are the only friend that I can go to with this problem. I am going through a divorce. My soon-to-be ex-husband a.. 2021. 3. 13.