전화영어25 [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 23 Part 4. Q. 7~9. feat. Ryan] [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 23 Part 4. Q. 7~9. feat. Ryan] Q7. The due date for the rate payment is 31 October, 2012. Is that right? A. Following the Invoice, that is right. The payment should be made by the 31st of October, 2012. Q8. How much GST is charged? A. 200$ added for GST tax in the total amount. It's about 5%. *GST : 상품용역세(Goods and Services Tax) Q9. Actually, I'd like you to confirm s.. 2021. 1. 17. [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 22, Part 3. Q.4~6. feat. Ryan] [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 22, Part 3. Q.4~6. feat. Ryan] Part3 Imagine that an American Institute of Psychology is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about bad moods. Q4. When do you usaually feel blue? (*feel blue = 우울한, 울적한) A. I usaually feel blue when nothing goes my way and my plans don't work out. For examples, keep practicing speaking.. 2021. 1. 6. [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 21, Part 1.Q.1~2. / part Q.3. feat. Ryan] [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 21, Part 1.Q.1~2. / part Q.3. feat. Ryan] Q1: read a text aloud (문장 읽기) Come join us this “August ONLY special event!” Dove hotel is situated on Victoria Station in central London. The Hotel is within walking distance to Hyde Park, Oxford Street, Portobello Market and Notting Hill. Our hotel view is fantastic and in a really convenient location. We have a sale on Exec.. 2020. 12. 28. [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 20, Mini Test Part 6] [BCM 전화영어, 민병철유폰 토익스피킹 Unit 20, Mini Test Part 6] 1. Do you prefer to express an opinion face to face or by writing an e mail? Which opnion do you agree with and why? (15 seconds to prepare, Then you will have 60 seconds to speak) A : That's good question, It depends on the situation. But most of cases, I prefer to express an opinion face to face than by writing an e-mail, letters or telephone c.. 2020. 12. 23. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 다음