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Restart - English conversation study(7) Restart - English conversation study(7) 요약David and Ned are having a conversation. David suggests they go out for dinner tonight, but Ned mentions she's already invited to Teddy's housewarming party because Teddy moved to a new apartment last month. David hadn't heard about it since he recently changed his cell phone number. After checking his new messages, he decides to join her at the party.. 2024. 4. 27.
Restart - English conversation study(6) Restart - English conversation study(6) 요약A man and a woman are having a conversation. The man asks if he can join the party, and the woman hesitates before gently telling him that they're already at full capacity and can’t invite more people. The man then says he'll go later, and asks, "Can I trust that?" The woman replies, "Of course, we're friends, aren't we?" Pattern DrillsCan you coun.. 2024. 4. 26.
Restart - English conversation study(5) Restart - English conversation study(5) 요약Jessy is chatting with a guy and showing off about her upcoming summer vacation. She's heading to Queenstown, New Zealand, for three weeks next month. The guy humorously says, "Make sure you don't forget to pick up some souvenirs!" * show off = 자랑하다Pattern DrillsDon’t forget to lock the door.Don’t forget to turn off the lights.Don’t forget to sen.. 2024. 4. 25.
Restart - English conversation study(4) Restart - English conversation study(4) 요약 The man is looking for Beth. He asks a woman if she has seen her, and the woman replies that she hasn’t seen Beth since early in the morning. Then, the man asks the woman to let Beth know that he went home if she meets Beth, and the woman agree to do. Pattern Drills 1. You look like you are in trouble. 2. She looks like she is tired. 3. It looks like it.. 2024. 4. 18.
Restart - English conversation study(3) Restart - English conversation study(3) 요약 The woman was late for their dinner date, and the man asked her why she was late. She told him that she had sent him a message, but he hadn't seen it, so he didn't know she would be late. Despite the delay, they are going to have a delicious dinner together. Key Expressions I take it back = 방금 한 말 취소합니다. = I didn’t mean what I said. = Never mind what I .. 2024. 4. 17.
Restart - English conversation study(2) Restart - English conversation study(2) I’m elated to talk to you today. * elated = 마냥 행복해하는, 신이 난 질문 1. What have you been up to lately? 2. Did you do anything interesting recently? 답변 1. Not much, just keeping up with my usual routine. How about you? * Keep up with = 유행을 따르다. ~에 밝다. ~에 뒤지지 않다. 2. It's been pretty good, actually. Got a lot on my plate, but I'm managing. How's yours? * Got a lot.. 2024. 4. 9.
Restart - English conversation study(1) They are going to hike on this Saturday. Maybe the weather is to be beautiful fall day. And during this conversation, she decided to pack a lunch. Sound like a good day for watching baseball game outside. I’ll prepare lunch for us. / I’m making our lunch for the day I’ve got no plans to do / My schedule is wide open. Do you like to hike? why or why not? - I do enjoy hiking. There’s something inc.. 2024. 4. 5.
"2024년 근로감독 핵심 변화: HR Compliance 담당자 필수 대응 체크리스트" "2024년 근로감독 핵심 변화: HR Compliance 담당자 필수 대응 체크리스트" 2024년도 근로감독 실시 개요 : '24년 근로감독은 공정과 상식의 직장문화 정착으로' 1. 2024년 달라지는점 핵심 Key word : 엄정한 법 집행 결과 확산, 일하는 문화 개선, 소규모 기업 약자 보호, 국민 참여 확대 1) ‘재감독’ 신설 (정기, 수시, 특별감독 외) • 근로감독 이후에도 상습적으로 법 위반이 발생한 사업장을 대상으로 정기/수시/특별 근로감독에 더하여 「재감독」 신설 2) 고의·상습 체불에 대한 특별 근로감독 실시 및 사법처리 강화 (무관용 대응) • 고액·다수 체불 사업장(피해 근로자 50명 이상 · 피해 금액 10억 이상 이거나, 체불로 사회적 물의를 일으킨 기업) 특별 근로감독 실.. 2024. 3. 26.